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Compare the situation of Belgium and Sri Lanka considering their location, size and cultural aspects.

Q:  Compare the situation of Belgium and Sri Lanka considering their location, size and cultural aspects.

Ans: 1. Belgium is located in Europe whereas Sri Lanka is located in South Asia.

2. Belgium has a population of little over one crore whereas Sri Lanka has population of two crores.

3. In Belgium 59 percent people living in Flemish region and speaking Dutch language, 40 percent people living in Wallonia region speaking French and remaining 1 percent Belgian people speaks German whereas in Sri Lanka 74 percent population are Sinhalese speakers and 18 percent are Tamil speakers.

4. In Belgium, French-speaking community are relatively rich and powerful and in Sri Lanka, Sinhalese-speaking people are Buddhist and powerful.

5. In Belgium, Dutch speaking people are in numeric majority whereas in Sri Lanka, Sinhalese speaking population are in majority.

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